

Friday, December 24, 2010

Call Me The Grinch

Happy some sort of holiday greeting of your choosing, day.

I am not a happy christmas goer...

Here are my main issues.

Christ-whoever he was, was not born on December 25th.  But some time in September.  The chances that Joseph and Mary didn't bugger off, but spent 3 and 1/2 month hanging out in a stable waiting for the wise men to appear, seems unlikely.  Mary's supposed virgin birth is extremely unlikely, and that her husband would stay with her after her carrying another man/god/whatever's kid, and not get some bouncing in on his own, I mean come on now?!

The story of Jesus's birth and life parallels that of Horus (egyptian  god), the plot is the same  some details differ.  Sort of like if you tell the same story for years at the fireside, the telling changes as it goes from dad's version to his son's to his nephew's and so on.

The Gospels?  really?  None of these gospels were written in the time of The Christ.  All at least 100 years after the fact, and that isn't within one lifetime... that is several, people didn't live as long then... 45 was old...  women had kids by the time they were 13... so don't tell me at was Christ's word copied word for word by the disciples.

What a good time to celebrate Christ's birth... December 25th, the Roman Sun festival... this holiday wasn't a holiday untill after Rome and its citizens became Christian... tomake the switch over easier, they could keep their old holidays and celebrate however they wanted, just the words were different and the names...

This wasn't the only Pagna holiday taken over: Eostre  now Easter.  Beltane now May day. Samhain now All Siants Day.

This Christ guy, yeah he may have existed or not, he may have done some good things for his time, or he could be completly made up, but celebrating him on this day makes no sense to me.

And the shopping and craziness aka Mall idiocy... can take a tanker as far as I am concerned.