It is December. The leaves have all fallen (those that will fall anyway, some have frozen to the trees). And instead of nice clear sidewalks and streets, we may as well be walking through the woods. What the heck? Where is the cleaning crew? is there a cleaning crew?
This is the only place I have ever lived where residents push their fallen leaves out into the street. No raking into piles, and tossing in the compost pile (and folks here are big on compost), or sticking in the green bin to be picked up by the trashmen. No people push it out into the street where it immeadiatly gets stuck in the storm drains. And then it rains.
Nothing more pleasant than a clogged drain, and a puddle two blocks long and a foot and a half deep.
Now therer have been the few who attempt half heartedly every day to move the leaves off the sidewalks by getting a leaf blower and blowing the leaves either back into the yard... or the street. But it is windy, and rainy here... 10 minutes later and the sidewalk is covered with leaves again.
I would like to introduce a major engineering marvel to the Portland Oregon area; it is called The Rake!
Not only is it environmentally friendly as it can be used every year, for years to come; it also requires no gas to run it!
And once leaves are raked into a pile they can easily be added to your compost pile! Everyone here loves compost! And just think, no more clogged drains! No more giant puddles, where you run the risk of drowning, or flooding the engine of your car if you attempt to park! The wonderful Rake!