

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One Nation Arguing

It would seem that the Federal Government didn't shut down, and they have another week to beat out the details of the cuts of 38 Billion dollars in cuts to the budget. Yay... erm, sortah.

I have been doing a lot of reading of the news lately trying to make heads or tails of what the problem is.   And it seems to come down to this.  Tea Partiers who don't believe in such silly things as Birth Control, Women's right to get to or have used birth control, and thing that climate change is a hoax, and that coal burning doesn't cause athsma, and that to regulate the mining or polluting industries is just wrong-no reason given... They don't want any oversight of the federal governmenrt on those things, and  for that matter they dont want to educate children or anyone with unbiased NPR/PBS broadcasting.  No programs about how they or their constintuents are destroying our environment for big money and sticking to more obscure bible quotations.

I undestand that they want to bring down the USA's debt, but at the same time as these massive cuts they are trying to put through, they want to give the armed services more money.... er.  They have  enough already.

So take away women's biological rights...
No more free broadcasting on NPR/PBS..
No longer teaching evolution in school, no just bibical version... which has no scientific fact base it on...
Coal and just about any other polluter can go right on ahead spewing mercury into the air...
No health care coverage for anyone with pre existing conditions... Possibly caused by pollutants...
Oh and no more FDA, those big drug companies really just want to help everyone, they wouldn't harm us... Which would mean no oversight on the food supply... bugs in meat? no problem just extra protein.... Antibiotic eating bacteria in our over horomoned milk... ummmm Yummy.

Fascist country?
It is nearing the time to move.  I'm thinking Canada looks pretty damn good.

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