

Saturday, January 29, 2011

So This is the Apocalypse is it?

I have a wide and varied amount of freinds, with wide and varied  types of beliefs.
There are:

Coptic Christians
Orthodox Christians
Born Again Christians
A fellow who believes God is a duck, and a guy who really does believe in the Potato Church.

I dont follow all of thier religions, and for the most part they have stopped trying to convert me- witness, or whatever they call it.

But one friend/ I suppose we'll go with acquaintance now/ I beleive has gone off the deep end.
I keep getting emails  with titles: "The End is Nigh! Repent Ye Sinners!" and "The World is ending on May 12th," or my personal favorite when it comes to odd, "The Apocalypse is upon you!"

Upon me? just me? really? hm.

Let get this straight, I don't beleive in any God prompting apocalypse upon us.  The only apocalypse likley to occur most likely will be human caused. Like, when we destroy our environment... which currently we are doing a really great job of doing.  And in destroying it, we have limited resources for an over bearing human population, and people start starving to death.  Oh wait that has already started in some parts of Africa.... hm.  Then there wont be enough fresh drinking water, again due to our culpability in poisoning most of it with chemicals derived from manufacturing cell phone components and ipods.  Oh and then maybe we will have a flood, caused by global warming melting the icesheets... The salinity of the oceans will drop and then there will be more massive fish die offs.  And the temperature of said water will change, and the bacteria living there will either over populate, or die off, and then  we'll have another food shortage. And since  nothing about our planet is "stable" there will be earthquakes, because therer are massive plates trying to crash over and around other plates.  And if we are really lucky the giant super volcano under Yellowstone wont erupt in the middle of all of this, and 2/3 of The United States wont suddenly be inhospitable... Not to mention, the massive gas and ash and gas cloud that would come with such an explosion, would block out the sun, and we might just get a nice little ice age.  Wont that be nice?  You like snow right?  For more than just 4 motnths out of the year?

Other than the volcano, or the earthquake... the above examples are what happens when PEOPLE poison their environment, and pay no attention to the balance of nature.  Apocalypse sure, but no God is to blame for it.  Just us.  Why don't you think on that some, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Perfect opportunity to make a bet. If the world doesn't end on 5/12, you get a thousand dollars. If it does end, your friend gets to be smug for the split second before disintegration.
