

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lets Hear it For the Highly Misinformed, Yet, Know-It-Alls.

 I might be crazy-there I said it, agree or disagree as you see fit- I am taking two western civ classes every monday and wednesday, and in the wrong order.  So civ 2 followed by civ 1.
It really is only the very begining of the semester so we arent that deep into the histories yet.  But today we  were being talked to about the Sumerians, and  Hammurabi's code of law.
And the idiot next to me felt the need to inform the entire class that The Sumerians were really aliens from another world, that the gods-i.e. aliens- bred with this sort of sub human thing-neanderthal- and what you got were humans, exc.ept for Gilgamesh he was 75% alien and that was why he became king.
By the way I have sat through this class before at USM, taking history classes is not new to me.  And as always dealing with complete idiots isn't new either.
But this guy just could not shut up.
He went on to say that the whole story of gilgamesh is later retranslated with new characters to become the bible, and that The Christian god is really Gilgamesh, reincarnated by the aliens...
That went over really well with all of the christians in the room.
And the whole time the instructor is standing up at the front of the class, mouth hanging open, perplexed look on his face...
It reminded me all of this fellow here:

If you do any surfing on the web sooner or later you run into this stuff.
But I didn't think anyone took it seriously.

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