

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bum, What?

A couple of weeks ago The Portland Tribune (free paper) published an article about the NW's problem with bums(road warriors, homeless, panhandlers).  I would like to applaud the writer and the paper for finally saying something.  The article puts forward that on the east coast (where I am from) the bum population would not be allowed to be this populous-particularly NYC under Giuliani. 

In Portland Maine, you see homeless from time to time, but they cannot ask for change, as Panhandling is illegal.  Last I was in New Haven Connecticut, oh about 2006, there was a large population of homeless.  But, and this is important, only during Yale's school year.  The bums lived off the students charity.   Most of those students-that I met- were from the west coast.

Portland, Oregon has a problem.   That problem is that this place is just so liberal that it tends to get passive aggressive about issues that should not be allowed to slide.  There are so many resources here for the homeless.  Places to stay, places to work,  places to be entertained, free food, free help to  get help to not be homeless, free medical care.... Free!  Free! Free!  The bums here have a good thing going.  And they know it.  Which is why they tell their other bum buddies; 'Hey come to Portland, they're push overs here.'

It is messed up that they cannot be ordered to leave places where they are being a nuisances to businesses.  It is  wrong to my mind that there are safety officers  for the sole purpose of giving them needles... to shoot up with.   Portland.  You need to stop being such enablers.   If this was Uncle Eddy with a drinking problem right now you would be giving him the keys to the liquor store.

I clipped out the article (well 3 times) and sent it to my family (NYC, Portland ME, and Miami Beach FL).  My parents never believe me when I talk about the bums here.  Well now they will.  And maybe enough people will nod with that article in The Portland Tribune, and we can stop  enabling Uncle Eddy.  Lets lock up the liquor store. 

And Kick the bums out of town.

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