

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What's For Supper?

I cook most of the meals at home, sometimes my husband makes something, but usually it's me.  I recently became a vegetarian-having watched a rag tag bunch of documentaries on environmentalism and food- so what I make is usually meat free.  The hard part comes with making something that adheres to my moral/diet code, and  at the same time my husband will eat.  Chances are there will be no beets for supper. 

 It seems like I have to get more creative now that I have cut-most- flesh out of our diet. In stead of  meat burgers;I end up having to figure out how to make vegetarian patties, that a. stay together, and b. taste better than cardboard.  Or introduce foods that meet with eyebrows-high-concerned expressions... Quinoa... Falafel... Lentils... Things  of that nature.

But the real difference that  I have noticed is with me.   I seem to be eating less.  Husband still eats the same amount, and  still enjoys the meal... but I am not eating as much as I did when chicken was part of the meal...

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