

Friday, September 24, 2010

Be All You Can (Want?) To Be

My brother  has a degree in Mechanical Engineering.   Is he an engineer? Well, yes he has the degree-and the ring, and probably the secret hand-shake too- so yeah, sort of.   Does he have an engineering job? Err... If I really stretch the definition then I can say yes, he does... but if I am honest with myself and most people I have to say no.

For the sake of simplicity I'll call my brother: J.  J decided he wanted to go to school in Montreal
(Video above was his final project), that he wanted to study mechanical engineering, and that this was the thing he most wanted to do.  But he decided all this when he was 17.   He's 24 now.   He's been out of school for over a year, and he has gone to a quite a few interviews for engineering...  Was pretty much offered a position... but didn't take it... why?  What is he doing with himself?

He is working for not much money on a schooner in ______, Maine.  Why?  Because it is fun.   Does he use any of his engineering skills... yes... engine work, unclogging the loo... but mostly it is just sailing, and  drinking, and living it up with tourists...

Is this a good use of his  5 years of schooling? Maybe.  Not really. 

I think to myself: "Hey he's my baby brother, he'll calm down eventually and get a real job."  But I know that most people look at him and think; "So  quit dicking around and get a real job.  Life isn't just about having fun.  Have some real responsibilities."

To which I also agree, but then again... Last April he did fall while free climbing at Fort Williams Park.  And for four months after that he couldn't do much of anything let alone move.... so maybe he is making up for that.  Maybe after a fall like that you need to prove that you are alive, and live for the fun of it.

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