

Monday, September 27, 2010


There always seems to be so much going on.   School, work, cleaning house, appointments, time with the husband, time with the friends.... homework...  Somewhere in this mess of calendrical-yes I made that word up- hysteria  there needs to be my time.   And my time is not the same as sleep.   Sleep is outside the schedule, it is the given.

Last Semester I took a class about college and career success.  It taught a lot about scheduling time, and time management.  If I hadn't taken tha class, or at least delved into  that subjet at some legnth I would probably be confused more often.

I have a lot going on, true I don't have kids, and I don't work full time...
1. I am married (so have to keep in mind my husbands appointments, and his work schedules).
2. I am a full time student (That means the time at class, the time it  takes to get to class and back, the time to do the assignments and study...).
3. There is always the house work-an area  where I have never excelled.
4. There are the household errands.
5. Doctors and dentist appointments.
6.  Time with my husband, and with friends.
7. and  my time.

I really don't know how  people with 3+ kids can manage work and play and school... and not lose their minds.

I'm taking 3 classes this semester.  Each class has its own folder which I post the homework assignments in.  I also keep a daily organizer which has the assignments in it.  And at home on the fridge I have a wipe board that has the  large assignments noted.  On the board is also any other important dates.   I have a folder that is just on its a schedule of every week.  When I am doing what, and where.

Maybe this is all a little excessive.   But I know myself, if I don't keep reminding myself... I will zone out and forget something.

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